Since 30 years, Clecim has been the Reliable, Performing & Innovative partner of :
– ArcelorMittal
– Aperam
– Tatasteel
– Baosteel
with more than 150 references worldwide.
Artificial Intelligence but with decisive adavantages

SIAS DeepLearning : Extend & Achieve New Hights
In the covering range of your Surface Inspection System :
“Carbon Steel”, “Stainless steel”, “Electrical steel”, “Special Alloys steel”
In the Surface range of your Surface Inspection System :
“non-coated”, “Metallic coated (GI, GA, AlZn, AluSi,…)”, “Highly Shiny”, “very Mat highly light absorbant”, “Highly Textured”, “Paterned (floor plates)”, “non-homogeneously Colored”
In the Defect range of your Surface Inspection System :
“Very Low Contrast defects” , very early “Periodic defects” detection
In the production lines of your Surface Inspection System :
Easy for YOUR operator to jump into the new DeepLearning world!
Modernized but very close look & feel with legacy system
Master, Access your Data
On-line HMI with the Real-Time Live Image of your strip surface at Full resolution
A new Administration station for Inspection Results check, Inspection Data Access and System Control : totally secured Web based so as you can access easily and anywhere with your Smartphone, Tablet, LapTop, …
You Own your Data & Defect Images
Totally Open Data base of your Defects and their Images
Think Services on SIAS Legacy & SIAS DeepLearning systems
to protect your investment during the whole life cycle of SIAS systems.